68. Thank you for the Paul Mcgeough article giving us a non-Israeli version of events, a version that Israel does not want the world to hear, having confiscated all computers, cameras and cellphones. The American "Anne Jones" that McGeough mentions (Press 07 June) is probably Ann Wright, a former diplomat and Army Colonel, who resigned from the military in 2003 as a protest against the Iraq Iraq War. She has been very active in promoting the safety of women in the military from sexual abuse, rape to put it bluntly, by males in the military. There have been many such cases in Iraq. We have never met but I have had the privilege of talking to her over the telephone about shared concerns over the increased militarization of Guam. Ann Wright is a very brave principled American women. I'm not surprised that she took part in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla.
Contributed by L.G.
*Letter rejected by the editor because: "the letter is not being debated in the letter pages".
*L.G. "Not being debated ?? The most urgent issue in the world to-day."
*My commment: "The Press doesn't want us to know either". We have had this sort of answers several times before when writing on the Israel/Palestinian issues.