Wednesday, October 16, 2013


As the one sided, imbalanced propaganda dis-information from our corporate mainstream media dominating the "news" is extremely unreliable I have included a list of highly recommended books  indispensable reading for understanding to-day's "Info War" on the Middle East.
Deanna Spingola:  "The Ruling Elite. Te Zionist Seizure of World Power"  (several books)
Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomski : "Manufacturing Consent"(J)
Noam Chomski: "Media Control, second edition"(J)
James Petras : "Zionism, Militarism and the Decline of US Power"
Noam Chomski : "How The World Works" (J)

On Palestine and Israel:
Ilan Pappe: "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" (J)
William Dever "The Rise of Ancient Israel"
Eugene L. Rogan : "The War for Palestine"
Norman G Finklestein : "The Holocaust Industry" (J)
Alan Hart: "Zionism, The Real Enemy of the Jews"  (3 volumes)
Tikva Honig-Parnass : "The False Prophets of Peace".
Israel Finkelstein & Asher Silberman : "The Bible Unearthed" (J)
Jason Long : "Biblical Nonsense" A review of the Bible for Doubting Christians.
Arthur Koetsler :"The Third Tribe" (J)
Shlomo Sands :  "The Invention of The Jewish People" (J)
      "         "      : "The Invention of the Land of Israel" (J)
Anthony Loewemstein: "My Israel Question"(J)
Jimmy Carter (ex President of the United States) "Palestinian Peace Not Apartheid"

These books are just a few of an impressive number which may be obtained from the International book seller 'Amazon".  They are also available as e-books (Kindle) at greatly reduced prices. If registered with Amazon they will send you regular updates of new book released on your favourite subject.  (J) denotes Jewish authors critical of Israel's policy and propaganda disinformation war, which dominate our national news media.

Useful websites and alternative sources of information:
'Anti',  ' The Colbert Report' from Japan, 'The Real News' from Baltimore, 'Global Research' from Canada, Al Jazeera, (Russia Today), 'Press TV' from Teheran.