Monday, October 14, 2019


Brian Pearson (May 3) stated that "John Minto and those who share his views show an inexcusable ignorance of the nation of Israel's history". Brian should make himself more conversant with the early history of the emergence of the "Jewish State" in the late 1940s. I intensively studied this. There are many excellent books published on the topic, most of them even from Jewish secular historians themselves (some in exile because of death threats) .such as Arthur Koestler, Ilan Pappa, Benny Morris, Alan Hart etc. Zionist Fifth Column terrorists organisations illegally infiltrating the then British Mandate after WWII, hiding smuggled weapons in their Kibitzes, began driving out the indigenous Palestinian population. Zionists terrorism has continued to this very day in the occupied territories and Gaza. When a state perpetrates violent acts against a civilian population in defiance of international law and the United Nations Charter, it can be rightly classified as state terrorism, which is a far cry from democracy.
6 May 2019

PS If you stroll down to the beginning of this blog (left click on 2009) you will find much historical information on the creation of Israel and the Nakba